Constructors and Destructor
A constructor is a member function that is automatically called when a class object is created.
Same name of function and class, no return type.
A constructor is a special public member function that is automatically called to construct a class object when it is created.
Most often programmers use a constructor to initialize an object’s member variables. However, it can do anything a normal function can do.
If no constructor is explicitly written, C++ provides one automatically, it runs slightly in the background.
Overloading Constructors
Multiple functions with the same name may exist in a C++ program, as long as their parameter lists are different.
Default Constructors
Default constructors are special functions in C++.
Automatically Generated: If a class has no constructors, the compiler makes a default one.
No Parameters: Default constructors don't take any arguments.
Use Cases: They're handy when you want to create objects without giving initial values.
Customization: Even if a class has other constructors, it can still have a default one for custom initialization.
A class can have multiple constructors, but only one default constructor.
If no constructors are specified, the compiler creates a default one.
But if any constructors are defined by the programmer, even with parameters, the compiler won't make a default constructor.
If you need a default constructor, you must define it yourself.
A destructor is a member function that is automatically called when an object is destroyed.
Destructors are public member functions with the same name as the class, preceded by a tilde character (~).
Submit the Task in Comments
Implement a simple program in C++ to manage student records using constructors, destructors, and binary file handling. (string name, char father_name, int age, float gpa)
Constructor: Set the path for the binary file.
getFunction (definition outside the class): To take data from the user.
writeInFile (definition outside the class): To write data into the file.
readFromFile (definition outside the class): To read binary data from the file and display it.
Destructor: Close the binary file.
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