
Friend functions, and bridge between classes

 Friend Function

In classes and object-oriented programming (OOP), non-member functions cannot access private or protected members of a class.

A friend function in C++ is not a member of a class but is granted access to that class's private and protected members. It allows the function to access and modify the internal data of the class, providing a way to operate on class objects in a controlled manner.

#include <iostream>

class Box {


int length;

int width;

int height;


Box() : length(1), width(2), height(3) {}

// Friend function declaration

friend void printBoxDimensions(Box);


// Friend function definition

void printBoxDimensions(Box b) {

cout << "Length: " << b.length << std::endl;

cout << "Width: " << b.width << std::endl;

cout << "Height: " << b.height << std::endl;


int main() {

Box myBox;

printBoxDimensions(myBox); // Access private members via friend function

return 0;


Friends as Bridges:

to handle private data from multiple classes, each class must grant friendship to the function or method that needs to access their private members.

A friend function can only access the private data of the class in which it’s declared as a friend. To access private data of another class, it needs to be a friend of that class as well.